In the warm super-abundance of the heart, the soul, sanctifying itself, seeks its path toward the neighbor.
—Franz Rosenzweig, Star of Redemption
Mētis is leveraged into a life of wisdom when the face of another ruptures our solipsism, calling forth a response shaped by our capacity to love.
The Greek origins of dialogue – dia-logos – point to the moving-through (διά) of the word (λόγος). Not restricted to the word that is spoken, dialogues include the sayings of body, mind, heart, and meaning, and like waters swirling about stones in a stream, this is a space to navigate with mētis. What Martin Buber called the dialogical I and Thou is a liminal mystery, and so with wisdom, we return to paths that lead to our neighbor.
Mētis Wisdom is called forth by the faces and sayings of others in our world. Here again, upon pain of reductionism and psychologism, the responsive ingenuity of the Unique One is without a guide-map in the face of another’s utter uniqueness and glory.
Viktor Frankl notes that “love is the beginning of self-transcendence,” necessary for the noetic conscience and its activities for meaning.
For Emmanuel Levinas, “the solipsist disquietude of consciousness, seeing itself, in all its adventures, a captive of itself, comes to an end here: true exteriority is in this gaze” of the other.
Franz Rosenzweig characterizes a dialogical space as both the revelatory and redemptive power of life itself: “the taking action of the soul, turned consciously and actively toward the given neighbor in the moment obviously anticipates the whole world in the will.” These connections with each other are both gift and command.
A responsive mētis seeks the illumination of Logos in our dialogues: anticipating, welcoming, submitting to neighbors in an abundance of heart-centered longing for revelation. Dr. Tansey brings this philosophy to every aspect of her dialogical work as a physician, teacher, coach, and speaker, and invites others to explore the wisdom that is offered by unique stories and existence with others.

“The realm of time is the proper arena for his action. He does not need to wait until truth has risen from the depths. Truth waits for him; it stands before his eyes…
As soon as the requirements of the moment take hold of him, once the solitude of his soliloquy is destroyed, he does the correct thing unhesitatingly and makes his disjointed world whole.”
—Franz Rosenzweig
Feelings of alienation do not mean you’re alone.
You are welcome here. We are committed to dialogues and strengthening communities through creativity, curiosity, and perspective about human existence and ethical action, always grounded in loving-kindness and a heart to be good and just neighbors to each other.
“Life is a serious matter. Ordinarily you are aware of that yourself. You would strongly resent it if your work, your actions and your tribulations were not taken seriously. Whenever you are able to spare some time come and visit me … You will be welcome.”
—Franz Rosenzweig
An experienced instructor, clinical supervisor and recipient of multiple teaching awards, inviting joy and insight in training and teaching settings.
A board-certified coach, specializing in executive and professional care for strength-building and creativity at growth edges and in leadership.
An authentic and warm public speaker, weaving interdisciplinary insights and humanistic perspectives to support a deepening sense of community.
Demand meaning in the moments of your life.
Chart a navigation course that is clear-eyed and nimble.
Cultivate the habits of perspective, creativity, and curiosity.
Call forth your fiercest capacities for courageous authenticity.
Seek Wisdom.